Proof of Ethereum: Historically Powered Generative Art
Visualise Ethereum's intrepid history. Magnitudes of data, being constantly generated by millions of people all over the world as they transact on-chain. Proof of Ethereum turns that information into art.
A historically-powered generative art project, Proof of Ethereum is a collection of 2604 animated pieces, one piece visualising each day of the Ethereum lifetime from its birth in 2015 until the final day of Ethereum 1.0, the day of The Merge. The artwork includes the variance to ensure that Ethereum events of particular significance are clearly mapped to visual components in the collection.
Ever wondered what the DAO hack would look like? Or the first Ethereum congestion season brought by CryptoKitties? Or perhaps you've always wanted to see your ether-birthday - the first day you ever transacted on-chain. Proof of Ethereum shows you.
Parameters of Interest
We've handpicked a few parameters that we think collectively tell the history of Ethereum. These are the parameters that we feed to our proprietary algorithms to generate the collection.
They include:
Network Hash Rate ::: shape expansions
Price of Gas ::: animation speed
Price of Ether ::: base angle of lines & likelihood of noise
Number of Transactions ::: number of lines
Transaction Volume in $ ::: width of lines
Days until The Merge ::: size of largest shape
Number of Contracts Deployed ::: variety of line widths
The evolution of each of these parameters powers the history of Ethereum. And it enables our artwork to tell that story.
A Note from the Artist
" Proof of Ethereum NFTs feature vibrant looping animations. Lines traverse a clamped flow field displayed on shapes formed by a square-packing algorithm. Squares can either remain packed or expand to produce overlapping rectangles.
The flow field consists of noise clamped at 45 degree increments to create circuit-board-like paths. All paths are calculated, and in order for everything to loop they must each have a length that is a multiple of the animation's fps. They wrap around the edges of the canvas to make the best use of space.
A grid system keeps track of which spots are occupied, and is used to prevent two paths from overlapping. The animated flow field is rotated and randomly cropped to each shape. "
- @andrewmcwhae
Your Ether Birthday
Enter your address to find the NFT that represents your first day on Ethereum!
The Calendar